StereoWise: Loudspeakers - Pylon Audio

On this page you will find an overview of PYLON Audio loudspeakers. To make it easy for you, you will find the most current price list that i could find ( price changes reserved ). at the bottom of this page.

PYLON Audio at the High End Münich 2024

Pylon AMETHYST floorstanding loudspeaker

Pylon Audio Jade 20 bookshelf * standmount loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Jasper line loudspeakers

Pylon Audio Jasper 18 bookshelf * standmount loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Jasper 23 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Jasper 25 Mk.II floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Amber line loudspeakers

Pylon Audio Amber Mk II floorstanding loudspeaker

Pylon Audio Emerald line loudspeakers

Pylon Audio Emerald 25 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Diamond line loudspeakers

Pylon Audio Diamond 30 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Diamond Mk.II floorstanding loudspeaker

Pylon Audio Diamond 28 floorstanding loudspeaker

Pylon Audio Diamond 25 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Diamond 18 bookshlf * standmount loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Diamond 15 bookshelf * standmount loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Ruby line loudspeakers

Pylon Audio Ruby 30 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Ruby 25 Mk II floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Ruby 20 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Ruby Monitor loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Sapphire line loudspeakers

Pylon Audio Sapphire 31 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Sapphire 25 floorst loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Sapphire 23 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Opal line loudspeakers

Pylon Audio Opal 30 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Opal 23 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Opal 20 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Opal Monitor bookshelf * standmount loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Pearl line loudspeakers

Pylon Audio Pearl 27 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Pearl 25 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Pearl 20 floorstanding loudspeaker 

Pylon Audio Pearl Monitor loudspeaker 

PYLON Loudspeakers with FEZZ Audio Amplifiers at the High End Munich 2023

the FEZZ Audio and PYLON Team are so Enthousiast and Passionate

1 May 2023

Price List of the PYLON Audio loudspeakers  ( all prices are for one pair of loudspeakers )

Pylon Audio Pearl line * Bookshelf * Standmount loudsp. Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Audio Pearl Sat Mini bookshelf speaker € 344,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Pearl * bookshelf speaker € 440,- £ 420,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Opal line * Bookshelf * Standmount loudsp. Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Audio Opal Sat Mini bookshelf speaker ( cinema ) € 420,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Opal * bookshelf * standmount speaker € 550,- £ 550,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Sapphire line * Bookshelf * Standm. loudsp. Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Audio Sapphire Sat bookshelf speaker * Black € 530,- £ 580,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Sapphire Sat bookshelf speaker * Walnut € 000,- 680,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Ruby line * Bookshelf * Standmount loudsp. Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Audio Ruby * bookshelf * standmount speaker € 000,- £ 950,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Diamond line Bookshelf * Standmount loudsp. Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Diamond Mod.15 * bookshelf speaker * Natural Ven. € 1.350,- £ 1.350,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond Mod.15 * bookshelf speaker * N.V H. Gloss € 1.399,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond Mod.15 * bookshelf speaker * Black * White € 1.450,- £ 1.550,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond Mod.15 * bookshelf speaker * High Gloss € 1.499,- £ 1.600,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond Mod.15 * bookshelf speaker * Any Ral Color € 1.650,- £ 1.650,-,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond Mod.18 * bookshelf speaker * Natural Ven. € 1.450,- £ 1.450,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond Mod.18 * bookshelf speaker * N.V H. Gloss € 1.499,- £ 1.520,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond Mod.18 * bookshelf speaker * Black * White € 1.550,- £ 1.600,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond Mod.18 * bookshelf speaker * High Gloss € 1.650,- £ 1.640,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond Mod.18 * bookshelf speaker * Any Ral Color € 1.750,- £ 1.700,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Jade line Bookshelf * Standm. loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Audio Jade 20 * bookshelf * standmount loudspeaker € 2.799,- £ 2.700,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Jade 20 stands ( p.pair ) € 699,- £ 000.- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Jasper line Bookshelf * Standmount loudsp. Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Jasper Mod.18 * bookshelf speaker * Black * White € 2.950,- £ 2.799,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper Mod.18 * bookshelf speaker * High Gloss € 3.299,- £ 3.099,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper Mod.18 * bookshelf speaker * Any RAL Color € 3.499,- £ 3.299,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper Mod.18 * bookshelf speaker * Active Black € 4.750,- £ 4.499,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper Mod.18 * bookshelf speaker * Active H. Gloss € 5.099,- £ 4.649,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper Mod.18 * bookshelf speaker * Active Any Ral C € 5.299,- £ 4.999,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Pearl line Floorstanding loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Audio Pearl 20 * floorstanding loudspeaker € 510,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Pearl 25 * floorstanding loudspeaker € 660,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Pearl 27 * floorstanding loudspeaker € 960,- £ 000.- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Opal line Floorstanding loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Audio Opal 20 * floorstanding loudspeaker € 620,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Opal 23 * floorstanding loudspeaker € 900,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Opal 30 * floorstanding loudspeaker € 1.196,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Sapphire line Floorstanding loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Audio Sapphire 23 * floorstanding loudspeaker € 000,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Sapphire 25 * floorstanding loudspeaker € 000,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Sapphire 31 * floorstanding loudspeaker € 000,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Ruby line Floorstanding loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Audio Ruby 20 * floorstanding loudspeaker € 1.187,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Ruby 20 * floorstanding loudsp.* Nat.Ven. Lacq. € 1.319,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Ruby 25 * floorstanding loudsp.* Nat.Veneer € 1.572,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Ruby 25 * floorstanding loudsp.* Nat.Ven. Lacq. € 1.704,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Ruby 25 Mk.II * floorstanding loudspeaker € 000,- £ 1.750,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Ruby 30 * floorstanding loudspeaker € 1.759,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Ruby 30 * floorstanding loudsp.* Nat.Ven.Lac. € 1.869,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Diamond line Floorstanding loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Diamond 25 floorstanding loudsp. * Natural Veneer € 2.250,- £ 2.150,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 25 floorstanding loudsp. * Nat.Vnr High Gl. € 2.399,- £ 2.350,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 25 floorstanding loudsp. * Black * White € 2.499,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 25 floorstanding loudsp. * High Gloss € 2.599,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 25 floorstanding loudsp. * Any Ral Color € 2.799,- £ 2.750,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 28 floorstanding loudsp. * Natural Veneer € 2.310,- £ 2.500,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 28 floorstanding loudsp. * Nat.Vnr High Gl. € 2.650,- £ 2.680,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 28 floorstanding loudsp. * Black * White € 2.750,- £ 2.700,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 28 floorstanding loudsp. * High Gloss € 2.860,- £ 2.750,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 28 floorstanding loudsp. * Any Ral Color € 3.299,- £ 3.100,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 30 floorstanding loudsp. * Natural Veneer € 2.899,- £ 2.800,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 30 floorstanding loudsp. * Nat.Vnr High Gl. € 3.050,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 30 floorstanding loudsp. * Black * White € 3.150,- £ 3.020,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 30 floorstanding loudsp. * High Gloss € 3.399,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 30 floorstanding loudsp. * Any Ral Color € 3.699,- £ 3.500,- $ 000,-
Pylon Diamond 30 Mk.II floorstanding loudspeaker € 3.350,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Emerald line * Floorstanding loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Audio Emerald 25 * floorst.loudsp.* Black € 3.399,- £ 2.900,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Emerald 25 * floorst.loudsp.* High Gloss Black € 3.593,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Emerald 25 * floorst.loudsp.* Any Ral Color € 3.739,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Emerald 25 * floorst.loudsp.* Limited Edition € 3.990,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Ambr line * Floorstanding loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollasr
Pylon Audio Amber Mk.II * floorstanding loudsp* Nat.Veneer € 4.949,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Amber Mk.II floorst.loudsp, * High Gloss White € 5.719,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Amber Mk.II floorst.loudsp. * Any Ral Color € 6.291,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Jasper line Floorstanding loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Jasper 23 floorstanding loudsp. * Black * White € 5.499,- £ 5.300,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 23 floorstanding loudsp. * High Gloss € 5.999,- £ 5.800,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 23 floorstanding loudsp. * Natural Veneer € 5.999,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 23 floorstanding loudsp. * Any Ral Color € 6.599,- £ 6.300,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 23 floorstanding loudsp. * Active Black * White € 7.499,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 23 floorstanding loudsp. * Active High Gloss € 7.999,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 23 floorstanding loudsp. * Activ Natural Veneer € 7.999,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 23 floorstanding loudsp. * Activ Any Ral Color € 8.599,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 25 Mk.II floorstanding loudsp. * Black * White € 5.799,- £ 5.600,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 25 Mk.II floorstanding loudsp. * High Gloss € 6.399,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 25 Mk.II floorstanding loudsp. * Natural Veneer € 6.250,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 25 Mk.II floorstanding loudsp. * Any Ral Color € 6.999,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 25 Mk.II floorstanding loudsp. * Active Black € 9.799,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 25 Mk.II floorstanding loudsp. * Active H,Gloss € 8.399,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 25 Mk.II floorstanding loudsp. * Active N.Ven. € 8.250,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Jasper 25 Mk.II floorstanding loudsp. * Active Any Ral € 8.999,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Options Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Pylon Stands for Opal bookshelf speaker € 350,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Stands for Diamond bookshelf speaker € 670,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Pylon Stands for Jasper Monitor * bookshelf speaker € 940,- £ 900,- $ 000,-
Pylon Audio Stereo HUB with ABS remote € 750,- £ 000,- $ 000,-