StereoWise: Loudspeaker : AlsyVox Audio Design

FULL RANGE RIBBON LOUDSPEAKERS: They do what your mother told you that a planar loudspeaker could never do; really deep , undistorted and powerful bass.

AlsyVox TINTORETTO loudspeaker 

AlsyVox TINTORETTO loudspeaker 

AlsyVox BOTTICELLI     loudspeaker -€    98.000,-  ( p.pair )  #  £ 00.000,-  #  $ 00.000,-

AlsyVox BOTTICELLI X loudspeaker - € 134.000,-  ( p.pair )  #  £ 00.000,-  #  $ 00.000,-

AlsyVox CARAVAGGIO Single loudspeaker - € 190.000,-  ( p.pair )  #  £ 000.000,-  #  $ 000.000,-

AlsyVox MICHELANGELO loudspeaker - € 00.000,-  ( p.pair )  #  £ 00.000,-  #  $ 00.000,-  

15 February 2022

Price List of the Alsyvox loudspeakers ( all prices are for one pair of loudspeakers )

Floorstanding loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Alsyvox TINTORETTO floorstanding loudspeaker € 76.000,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Alsyvox BOTTICELLI floorstanding loudspeaker € 000,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Alsyvox MICHELANGELO floorstanding loudspeaker € 475.000,- £ 000,- $ 458.000,-