StereoWise: D/A Converters - LUMIN

LUMIN * The Audiophile Network Music Player Family

On this page you will find an overview of LUMIN D/A Converters. To make it easy for you, you will find the most current price list that i could find ( price changes reserved ). at the bottom of this page.

Why LUMIN P1 MINI: Just like its Bigger Brother , P1 Mini is Designed to be Used as a Streamer, a DAC D/A Digital to Analog Converter, a Preamplifier or All Three.

Why LUMÏN P1 ? it is the most flexible player yet. the P1 is designed to sit right in the heart of your Audio System, use it as a Streamer, A Digital Audio Converter as a Preamplifier or all three !

12 May 2024

Price List of the LUMIN D/A Converters ( a Trademark of Pixel Magic Systems Ltd. ).

D/A Converters * Digital to Analog Converters Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
LUMINI P1 Mini * D/A Converter * Streamer * Preamplifier € 000,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
LUMIN P1 * D/A Converter * Streamer * Preamplifier € 10.999,- £ 000,- $ 000,-